The slow adoption rate among UK businesses to migrate their telephony to ‘The Cloud’


In an increasingly digital world, where cloud-based technologies are transforming industries and reshaping business operations, it is surprising to learn that less than 25% of organisations in the UK have embraced cloud telephony systems. Despite the numerous advantages offered by the cloud, including cost savings, scalability, working from home (or satellite buildings) and enhanced features such as call recording, smartphone and desktop apps (softphones), many UK businesses remain hesitant to migrate their telephony services – and does this mean that some business owners are sticking their head in the ground…… well yes……. and of course that’s why we’ve used the Ostrich images!

In this blog, we delve into some of the possible reasons behind this slow adoption rate and highlight the benefits that hosted cloud telephony can bring to businesses.

Understanding Cloud Telephony:

Cloud telephony, SiP or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), is a technology that enables businesses to make and receive calls over the internet. Rather than relying on traditional phone systems, cloud telephony leverages the power of the cloud to provide advanced features, flexibility, and cost savings. It offers functionalities such as call routing, voicemail, conferencing, and the ability to work away from the office.

Possible Reasons for the Slow Migration:

  1. Legacy Infrastructure:

One of the primary factors hindering the migration to cloud telephony (as mentioned by our clients), is the prevalence of legacy infrastructure. Many businesses still rely on traditional phone systems that have served them well for years. Upgrading or migrating these systems they believe, can be a complex and costly process, requiring significant investments in time, resources, and training.

  1. Security Concerns:

Security is a crucial concern for businesses, and some have told us about their reservations re the safety of their telephony services in the cloud. Uncertainties regarding data protection and potential vulnerabilities may deter organisations from adopting cloud telephony. However, it is important to note that cloud telephony providers prioritise security by implementing measures such as encryption, access controls, and regular system updates.

  1. Lack of Awareness and Knowledge:

A lack of awareness and understanding about cloud telephony is a significant factor to the slow adoption rate. Some businesses may not be familiar with the benefits and features that cloud telephony offers. Education and awareness campaigns are crucial to helping business owners and decision-makers realise the potential advantages and cost savings associated with migrating to the cloud.

It is thought that over 30% of UK businesses are still not aware of the ISDN shutdown happening in 2025 added to that, there are still over one million businesses who are aware, but haven’t any plans yet to upgrade

  1. Surprisingly, another reason we hear frequently for not migrating to Cloud Telephony is, “there is loads of time left, so we’ll leave it for now”.

Bearing in mind that at this time of writing, we are only three to four months away from a UK wide BT “stop sell” on WLR products (Analogue and ISDN services) and the complete shutdown of WLR is in 2025, time will soon become an issue!

With millions of legacy phone lines that need upgrading and such a huge quantity of businesses that this will affect, a big concern is that there will not be enough resource and capacity available to handle the huge amount of work required before the shutdown in 2025. This then could result in higher prices, longer lead-times and inevitable disruption!

Benefits of Cloud Telephony:

  1. Cost Savings:

Cloud telephony can offer significant cost savings compared to traditional phone systems. Businesses can eliminate expenses related to expensive hardware, maintenance, and dedicated phone lines. Furthermore, long-distance and international calls are more affordable with cloud telephony, enabling organisations to reduce their communication costs significantly.

  1. Scalability and Flexibility:

Cloud telephony provides unparalleled scalability and flexibility. Businesses can easily add or remove phone lines to match their evolving needs. Whether a company is expanding, downsizing, or embracing remote working, cloud telephony allows for seamless adjustments, ensuring efficient resource allocation and enhanced productivity.

  1. Advanced Features and Integration:

Cloud telephony systems come with a wide range of advanced features and integration capabilities. Businesses can leverage features such as multi-level auto-attendants, call routing and advanced voicemail along with integration with smartphone and desktop apps allowing for a true – ‘work from anywhere’ approach! These functionalities streamline communication processes, enhance customer service, and improve overall efficiency.


While cloud telephony offers numerous advantages for organisations of any size, the slow adoption rate among UK businesses indicates the challenges they face in embracing this technology. Overcoming these obstacles requires education, awareness, and addressing security concerns. As businesses become more informed about the potential benefits and cost savings associated with cloud telephony, we can expect to witness an increase in adoption rates. Embracing cloud telephony will empower businesses in the UK to optimise communication, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge in an increasingly digital world.

If you have any questions about migrating to Cloud Telephony, what it entails, how much it costs, what savings can be achieved and what new features can be of benefit, click here to get in touch

23rd May 2023